Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Holidays are Here :-)

I know we rush the holidays.  I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet.  But I gave into the urge.  Today I went to Michael's and I invested in a little bit of holiday cheer.  I made the world's smallest (and least expensive) Christmas door wreath ever. (I'm trying to encourage the bugs to stay away) and I bought three bags of cinnamon scented pinecones and decorative baskets to make my apartment 1) Feel a litte more like home 2) Smell a little more people friendly and 3) Help myself become less grouchy and get into the holiday spirit. :-)


  1. Ok, so your not Carrie Mizell when it comes to decorating yet...but your little wreath has "The Spirit of Christmas" all over it. I'm proud of your efforts and proud that memories of "home" linger in your heart.....you are my "heart"...I love you...Mami

  2. I love your wreath!!! Very holiday-ish! Glad you're feeling better and getting in the spirit. Call me so we can set up a meet up and play date soon!!!

    I am beside myself that your momma, AKA queen of awesome decorations has complimented me on my decorating. Ha!
